BritePro™ Omni is a pre-assembled laryngoscope blade and handle, ready to use straight from the sterile pack, eliminating the risk of cross-contamination. In-pack-testing confirms light function without compromising sterility. Simply open, use, remove batteries and dispose.
Pre-assembled blade and handle for instant use, avoiding component compatibility issues.
In-pack-testing confirms light function without compromising sterility.
Advanced LED Light with a minimum typical output of 2,500 lux, the fully encased, bright, cool toned LED light source directly focuses on the glottic area, delivering excellent visualisation at all times.
Ultra-low profile blade reduces risk of dental trauma and provides additional space to manoeuvre the blade for the best view possible.
Quick and Safe Battery Removal
Colour Coded. Clearly printed blade size and profile on handle base, and each blade is colour coded for fast verification.