Disposable Laryngoscopes
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Laryngoscopes - Reusable

Flexicare BritePro™ Max

Flexicare Laryngoscopes

The Flexicare BritePro™ MaxBright re-usable laryngoscope uses white LED light to deliver a true visualisation of larynx and tissue structures.

  • Energy Efficient LED bulb uses less power from the batteries than conventional halogen or krypton bulbs, reducing frequent battery replacement.
  • Green System Identification The green band signifies that BritePro™ Max conforms to EN ISO 7376:2009 and is compatible with all fibre optic blade systems.
  • Handle Models Available in various handle models: Standard, Mini, Stubby
  • Blades Conventional, Fibre optic and Integrablade blades (Fibre optic Miller and Mac) available
  • Blades Conventional, Fibre optic and Integrablade blades (Fibre optic Miller and Mac) available
  • Box kits Choose a combination of handles and blades for a bespoke intubation pack that suits your needs

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BritePro™ Max Range