The Flexicare BritePro™ MaxBright re-usable laryngoscope uses white LED light to deliver a true visualisation of larynx and tissue structures.
Energy Efficient LED bulb uses less power from the batteries than conventional halogen or krypton bulbs, reducing frequent battery replacement.
Green System Identification The green band signifies that BritePro™ Max conforms to EN ISO 7376:2009 and is compatible with all fibre optic blade systems.
Handle Models Available in various handle models: Standard, Mini, Stubby
Blades Conventional, Fibre optic and Integrablade blades (Fibre optic Miller and Mac) available
Blades Conventional, Fibre optic and Integrablade blades (Fibre optic Miller and Mac) available
Box kits Choose a combination of handles and blades for a bespoke intubation pack that suits your needs